New AI features for Meta’s WhatsApp Business enhance user experience

Whatsapp Business

(Web Desk) — Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced new AI-powered features for WhatsApp Business apps at the global Conversations event in Sao Paulo this week.

According to TechCrunch, these AI enhancements aim to improve customer engagement and interactions for businesses.

The 40-year-old tech billionaire stated, “Our vision is not just to build a single AI assistant, but to enable various AIs that can serve different purposes, including for businesses. Any business should be able to quickly set up an agent to talk to customers, provide support, and facilitate commerce.”

These new AI features will enable users to create Facebook and Instagram ads that can initiate a WhatsApp chat with a business.

The company is testing AI-driven customer support designed to automatically address customer queries about catalogues or frequently asked questions. This is currently being tested with select merchants in India and Singapore, with plans to expand to Brazil soon.

Furthermore, Meta emphasized that AI-generated messages will be clearly labeled to ensure customers know they are not conversing with a human representative.

WhatsApp Business is getting new AI features to enhance customer engagement. Additionally, WhatsApp aims to leverage AI for targeted messaging, enabling businesses to reach specific subsets of customers rather than broadcasting messages to all subscribers.

Meta announced that its Ads Manager will now provide recommendations for suitable audience segments receptive to tailored messages beyond order updates. Meta is offering these tools for free to help merchants avoid additional expenses associated with purchasing similar tools.

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