Now use this AI feature on your iPhone

iphone AI APp

(Web Desk) — The global race for artificial intelligence (AI) is intensifying daily, with tech giants incorporating advanced language models to enhance their systems and improve user experiences.

Unlike other tech behemoths like Microsoft, American tech giant Apple has been relatively quiet about its generative AI plans. However, its iPhones have been equipped with such systems even before the advent of ChatGPT in 2022.

In February, Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed the company’s investment in generative AI during an earnings call, stating, “We believe in the transformative power and promise of AI, and we believe we have advantages that will differentiate us in this new era, including Apple’s unique combination of seamless hardware, software, and services integration.”

Despite these assurances, Apple appears to be trailing in the AI race. More details about AI features in Apple’s products are expected to be revealed during the unveiling of new software updates on June 10.

Nevertheless, current iPhones already boast AI-powered features. Last year’s iOS 17 introduced Personal Voice, an AI-driven tool that allows users to digitally clone their voice, according to a report by ZDNet.

Personal Voice learns from on-device information, enabling users with speech loss to create a personalized voice for easier communication. To set it up, the iPhone asks users to read 150 phrases aloud, which it then analyzes using AI to generate a new version of their voice.

To use this feature, users can utilize the iPhone’s type-to-speak tools to have their text read aloud in FaceTime and third-party apps.

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