About Us

A beacon of independent journalism, Daily Point English News is committed to delivering timely and reliable news to its readers across diverse public interest topics through its dynamic online platform and engaging social media presence. Launched with unwavering dedication in [Insert Launch Date], our mission is anchored in the steadfast belief that journalism should adhere to the highest standards of verification while providing insightful and creatively presented news and analyses that capture the essence of the rapidly evolving events shaping the contemporary world.

We acknowledge the pervasive threat of misinformation, particularly prevalent in the realm of social media. Daily Point English News stands as a bulwark against this misinformation pandemic, recognizing it as a significant challenge to the foundation of democracy. Our dedicated team works relentlessly to counter the erosion of truth, aiming to mitigate the rising hysteria and restore trust in the news media industry. We are committed to delivering accurate, fair, and transparent reporting, ensuring that our readers are equipped with the knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the modern information landscape.

In a world inundated with content, we strive to be a trusted source that not only informs but also empowers our readers to make informed decisions in their personal and civic lives. Daily Point English News, where integrity meets insight, shaping the narrative of tomorrow.

Editor Daily Point Farrukh Shahbaz’s Message

Daily Point takes pride in being more than just a news platform; we are a beacon of truth, enlightenment, and catalysts for critical thinking in our community. Our commitment is to unearth the facts, debunk misinformation, and fortify the intellectual foundation of our readers. We firmly believe that empowering society starts with unraveling the truth, and we are steadfast in our pursuit of journalistic integrity.

With an unwavering team of skilled editors and dedicated reporters, Daily Point is devoted to fostering objective reporting and upholding the principles of democracy. Our goal is to engage with the public, address their concerns, and contribute to a more informed and empowered society. Together, let us navigate the currents of information with discernment and promote a stronger, more enlightened community.